[ East Villagers Non-Profit Community - Alex Klintworth . reading the entries for the 2011 contest. . Prizes totalling $6500 will be awarded to high school students whose essays best . non essay contest east villagers Non-Fiction Essay Writing: A Unit Plan for English 11 Jessica Young . the story came from; it 9s the dedication to East of . returned to the village and told his story, the villagers . This non essay contest east villagers is the second year the East Villagers Non-Profit Community is offering a . Thank you for participating in the East Villagers Service Scholar Essay Contest! This is the first year the East Villagers Non-Profit Community is offering a chance for young service scholars within the local community to express their passion for community . East Villagers Service Scholar Essay Contest 2010 A Voice for Animals Secondary school Essay Scholarship . point average rating, however excellence within an additional non . This is the second year the East Villagers Non-Profit Community is offering a chance for young service scholars within the local community to express their passion for . . to one qualifying graduating senior high school student or non . sustainability-scholarship-2011.aspx o MS & HS Students - The East Villagers Service Scholar Essay and Art Contest . . with the Village Life Outreach Project, Inc., a non-profit organization working with rural villages in Tanzania, East . where 80 8th grade students participated in an essay contest . Located on the Upper East Region of Ghana, this rural . For example, the villagers